Representative Director President and Chief Executive Officer
“At Kyowa Kirin we value all our colleagues regardless of diverse backgrounds, stand firmly against any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and grow.”
Kyowa Kirin relies on a diverse team of experts who are passionate about innovation to achieve our mission and 2030 goal of delivering new medicines with life-changing value that brings smiles to patients. Last year we officially defined a DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Statement for the Kyowa Kirin Group: We celebrate the power of diversity of thought and values while at the same time acknowledge the need to confront our own biases in order to break down inequities in the workplace. Our journey toward our Vision will depend upon every step we take to create an environment where everyone feels safe and empowered to thrive as their authentic self.
June is the “Pride Month” which is marked to celebrate the rights of LGBTQ+ communities. Initially triggered by the Stonewall Uprising in June 1969 which involved LGBTQ+ members fighting for their civil rights in New York City, today a variety of events and pride marches are held around the world to honor the Stonewall Uprising. In Japan also, “Tokyo Rainbow Pride” is held annually during Golden Week (a holiday week in late April-early May) which started in 2012 and has grown to prominence as a symbolic event of the LGBTQ+ movement. In full support of the cause of these events, at Kyowa Kirin we value all our colleagues regardless of diverse backgrounds, stand firmly against any discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and grow.
Being LGBTQ+ may easily go unnoticed unless the person chooses to let others around them know. Without one’s awareness of DE&I, we may unknowingly end up with certain groups of individuals feeling vulnerable and suppressing their true identity in order to fit in. It takes conscious efforts to practice DE&I to create a workplace in which members feel safe to reveal their true selves to each other which will in turn generate the power of “diverse team of experts with shared passion for innovation" as stated in our Vision. Sharing this message with all Kyowa Kirin employees, I encourage them to take an interest and show support for Pride-related events and initiatives.