Kyowa Kirin Group's Management Philosophy and CSV Management
The Group's management philosophy is "The Kyowa Kirin Group companies strive to contribute to the health and well-being of people around the world by creating new value through the pursuit of advances in life sciences and technologies." By "new value," we mean value that can be shared by society at large. In other words, we focus on "Creating Shared Value (CSV)." Our Group practices CSV management aimed at realizing enhanced corporate value through the creation of both social and economic value.
Our Vision
Under its management philosophy, Kyowa Kirin has set a vision for 2030: "Kyowa Kirin will realize the successful creation and delivery of life-changing value that ultimately makes people smile, as a Japan-based Global Specialty Pharmaceutical company built on the diverse team of experts with shared passion for innovation."
Strategy, metrics and targets
The Kyowa Kirin Group has positioned materiality as a management challenge to realize our vision for 2030. Our identified materialities are categorized as 'value creation topics' and 'value enhancement topics' , which corresponds to the strategic pillars to realize our vision for 2030: "Provide pharmaceutical products for unmet medical needs", "Address patient-centric healthcare needs", "Retain the trust of society", and "Management infrastructure to realize Life-changing value".
You can see this table by scrolling horizontally.
Strategic | Materiality | Definition |
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Creation of innovative drugs | Continue to create innovative drugs that create and deliver Life-changing value through proactive investment in research (including open innovation activities) based on a medium- to long-term perspective, while maintaining an appropriate balance with short-term profitability. |
Maximize product value | Maximize value by identifying the true value of created drugs, promoting the expansion of indications and addition of dosage forms, and taking into account synergies among products. | |
Pipeline enrichment | Based on portfolio analysis, enhance the pipeline around focus areas by leveraging increasing development efficiencies and partnering opportunities. | |
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Access to medicine | Commit to activities in accordance with Kyowa Kirin Group Policy for Access to Medicines (especially improved access to medicines), seeing it as our mission to listen to voice of people living with disease, create medicines that satisfy unmet medical needs, and deliver them to as many patients as possible, as quickly as possible |
Create healthcare solutions beyond medicine | Create new value that beyond medicine by promoting initiatives for healthcare solutions that beyond medicine based on insights from patients and leveraging synergies within the Kirin Group. | |
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Talent portfolio | Develop an organizations and a portfolio of human resources that promote value creation that leads to the continuous creation of Lifechanging value and promote human resource management that leverages diversity to achieve this goal. |
Corporate culture | Foster a corporate culture of "overcoming barriers / KABEGOE" appropriate for Japan based Global Specialty Pharmaceutical company to continuously create Life-changing value. | |
Digital transformation | Provide new value by leveraging data obtained from the entire value chain, from research and development to post-marketing, and by promoting co-creation with various stakeholders including people facing illness. |
Related SDGs

You can see this table by scrolling horizontally.
Strategic | Materiality | Definition |
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Quality assurance and a supply of products | Establish and appropriately operate a system and procedures to ensure the continued quality assurance and stable supply of products supplied by the company. |
Reducing environmental impact | Proactively work to protect the global environment for future generations by taking into consideration the environmental impact of our supply chain throughout the entire life cycle of our products, from the research and development stage through manufacturing, sales, use, and disposal. | |
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Corporate governance | Realize a corporate governance structure that enables us to effectively and efficiently achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value over the medium to long term through the realization of the 2030 Vision based on our management philosophy and values. |
Ethics and transparency |
Comply with domestic and international laws and regulations, internal and external rules and regulations, and social norms, and act in a manner that fulfills our legal responsibilities and the ethical responsibilities demanded by society. Also, disclose information to stakeholders in a proper, appropriate, and fair manner.
Reinforce risk management | Take appropriate risks necessary and take actions to protect the Kyowa Kirin Group and its stakeholders from threats. |
Related SDGs

Kyowa Kirin identifies materialities that we should prioritize in terms of theirs' impact on social sustainability and the Group's business. The identification process of materiality is as follows:
The materiality is incorporated in the FY2021-2025 Medium Term Business Plan and the linked fiscal year business plan. In addition, the progress of the plans is monitored and reported to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. In order to promote the resolution of medium and long-term management issues, the achievement of non-financial targets (including those related to materiality) set in the annual management plan will be added to the performance indicators from 2024.
Kyowa Kirin review the materiality every year based on changes in environments within and outside the Company, which is approved by the Board of Directors after being confirmed in the management meeting. In the lead up to 2023, we worked on clarifying the link between our vision and strategy, and when formulating our plans for 2024 in the FY2021-2025 Medium Term Business Plan, we readjusted the materiality in light of changes in environments.

Identification/Implementation Process of Materiality