Corporate Culture
Embracing the key behavior "Get over the wall / KABEGOE" for achieving our Vision, Kyowa Kirin has worked on corporate culture reform since 2020 to realize the "ideal corporate culture" appropriate for a Global Specialty Pharmaceutical company.
Corporate culture reform requires both the strong commitment of top management and continuous activities in the work place, so initiatives will be rolled out on both fronts.
Our journey toward Vision 2030
To leverage our collective energy - with a stronger mindset - to reach our Vision of bringing more smiles to people around the world as a Japan-based Global Specialty Pharmaceutical company (J-GSP), we are committing ourselves to working together with "KABEGOE".
- Vision
- "The summit we aim for"
- Philosophy
- "The reason we climb the mountain"
- Core Values
- "Our key themes for this journey"
- Strategy
- "The route map that shows us the way to the summit"
- Barriers
- "The unexplored rocky paths ahead"
- "The can-do mindset and the steps that take us to the summit together"

The Corporate Culture Transformation Project is among other projects that aim to resolve company-wide issues and are led by the Transformation Initiative Leader of Kyowa Kirin (Executive Officer, Head of Corporate Planning Dept.). Various measures are promoted under the leadership of the project owner, Chief People Officer (CPO) & Global Human Resources Head and progress is shared at the Executive Committee and other meetings.
In the Japan Region, members who have influence on people around them regardless of their positions are appointed as KABEGOE Leaders and perform KABEGOE activities in each organization together with the Heads of Divisions / Departments and their supervisors.
In other Regions and Functions, the activity is led by the top leaders of the organization as its core for wider expansion of KABEGOE.
The degree of understanding and practice of KABEGOE is monitored by an engagement survey conducted as a part of "reinforcement of people and foundation to create life-changing value," and we will take actions for improvement involving the whole organization.
Specific activities
Besides the activities which each organization undertakes on its own initiative, we have conducted workshops for the top leadership team, arrange forums for conversations between executives and employees, and introduced the KABEGOE Award as company-wide measures.
- One Kyowa Kirin Culture workshop (Conducted four times in total: the global top leadership participated)- Top leaders had face-to-face meetings and discussed the culture in their own organization and steps for achieving an ideal outcome.
- Meet Up - Conversations between executives and employees (Conducted 54 times in total: 16 executives and 656 employees participated, including Global Meet Up).
Conversations were held between executives and employees either online or in person to exchange ideas and discuss paths to achieve our Vision and growth and build a better organization and working environment. - KABEGOE Award - In addition to awarding activities that have embodied the Core Values and made outstanding contribution to improvement of corporate value, the President will present an annual award that recognizes activities that have embodied KABEGOE every year, such as the formation of working team to develop human resources capable of responding to globalization, production volume increase and the establishment of a human resources development department.