Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Policy and Strategy
We regard Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) as the foundation of our corporate culture at Kyowa Kirin. Without DE&I, we would not be able to create and deliver Life-changing value to patients around the world.
In 2021, we formulated Our DE&I Statement globally and disseminated it internally along with the CEO message.
In addition to the focus that we place on building an organization in which human resources with different characteristics can accept one another and make the most of their respective capabilities, we are working actively to put in place an environment that respects diversity.
Our DE&I Statement
At Kyowa Kirin, we embrace and proactively promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace as an embodiment of our Core Values.
- Commitment to Life:
- Diversity, equity and inclusion in our teams enables us to reflect the people and communities we serve and be sensitive to their needs, putting patients at the heart of everything we do
- Innovation:
- We believe in diversity of thought where all employees are encouraged to share fresh new ideas, are listened to and empowered to deliver innovative solutions for patients around the world
- Integrity:
- We strive to create an environment where everyone has a sense of belonging and is free from any form of inequitable treatment
- Teamwork/Wa:
- We will build an inclusive culture that enables our employees to bring their whole, authentic selves to work, where we can grow together, feel valued and respected, and achieve our shared corporate Vision.

Policy and Strategy
Given the ongoing decrease in working-age population as a result of declining birthrates and population aging, encouraging women to pursue broader career opportunities is deemed an urgent challenge and one of the growth strategies of the Japanese government. In an effort to respond to social expectations and enhance corporate competitiveness through employee diversification, the Kyowa Kirin Group is striving to empower its female employees.
In recognition of its initiatives, Kyowa Kirin received the “Class 3 Eruboshi” accreditation from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace in 2016. This evaluation has been maintained as of April 2023.

Kyowa Kirin has formulated an action plan for childcare support to help employees, who actively take on new challenges, demonstrate their maximum competence irrespective of lifestyle and gender. We acquired Platina Kurumin mark certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for having met a set of standards as a company that supports employees with childcare. The Company has also acquired Tomonin logo certification in recognition of its efforts to support employees engaged in family nursing care.

Employment of People with Disabilities
In January 2013, the Kyowa Kirin Group issued its Declaration of Employment of People with Disabilities* and is working to realize a society in which people with and without disabilities can work together.
- *:
Empowering Women
As a global priority, we aim to ensure that there is strong representation by women leaders. We have set a numerical target of increasing the percentage of global women leaders from 29% at the end of FY2021 to 40% by 2030.
As of the end of December 2022, the proportion of women in management positions at Kyowa Kirin was 13.4%. By the end of 2025, we are aiming to increase this figure to 18% or more. To this end, every year since 2016, we have been offering training programs that prepare female employees for managerial positions as well as career education for young female employees. In addition, we also launched a new mentoring program for women in managerial positions in 2022.
For details on the Company's action plans and data related to empowering female employees, please see the database of corporations promoting women's participation and advancement in the workplace*2 compiled by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

- *1:Kyowa Kirin refers to management level employees as "managerial staff."
- *2:Database of corporations promoting women's participation and advancement in the workplace (in Japanese)
Specific Initiatives
Empowering Women
In an effort to promote the participation and advancement of women, Kyowa Kirin will continue to undertake a wide range of initiatives in support of women’s career development and balancing work and childcare. These initiatives include a mentoring program for women in management positions, roundtable discussion among female employees, career training sessions for young people, and the Back-to-Work Forum to assist employees returning to work after childcare leave.
In addition, we produced a video that showcases diverse female management role models.
Kyowa Kirin has also sent out messages from top management on International Women’s Day (March 8) both internally and externally since 2022 to promote the empowerment of women on a global scale.
Supporting Work-Life Balance
In our efforts to support employees with childcare and nursing care, we offer programs that exceed the statutory requirements. A consultation service is also in place to provide employees with meetings before and after they take a leave of absence as well as to send them useful information during their leave. We provide employees with support for a smooth return to work after taking childcare leave. For example, we have hosted the Back-to-Work Support Forum each year since 2014. This forum is designed to achieve a number of objectives, including networking among employees who have become new parents at around the same time. In addition, we are supporting families raising children by opening an in-house nursery school in the Mishima area in 2022 and in the Takasaki area in 2023.
For employees providing nursing care for their family, we offer information on support services through our intranet. In 2023, 169 employees availed themselves of the childcare leave system; 0 employees utilized the nursing care leave system*1.
Furthermore, in addition to their annual paid holiday, employees are entitled to take up to 10 days of self-managed paid holiday around the time their spouse gives birth or when caring for a sick child, and up to two years of leave to accompany their transferred spouse. For medical representatives (MR; sales staff), we offer household formation support upon their marriage or the birth of a child so as to help them continue working while also leading a fulfilling personal life. Moreover, we also offer a work-from-home program, flextime system, and also a discretionary work system*2 for researchers with the aim of enhancing productivity across the Company.
In February 2017, Kyowa Kirin joined the IkuBoss Alliance, a movement organized by an NPO to promote awareness among corporate managers. We also conducted diversity management training for superiors. Our aim is to build an organizational structure that aids the Company in boosting its operating performance while ensuring that both managers and their subordinates value work-life balance.
We will further invigorate our organization by encouraging employees to take advantage of the available systems and transforming their mindsets, thereby improving the work environment.
- *1:The number of employees who used each system from January to December 2020. (Data aggregated as of the end of December 2023)
- *2:Discretionary work system in the type of professional work: Prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and a public notice issued by the Health, Labour and Welfare Minister, some types of work, due to their nature, need to be left largely to the worker's discretion in terms of the means and methods of execution, allocation of time, etc. In such cases, the worker is assumed to have worked for hours typically necessary for that work, based on the agreement between labor and management. (Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Homepage)
Employment of People with disabilities
In March 2014, the Group was certified to use the exceptional counting method in calculating the rate of employment of people with disabilities. As of June 1, 2023, the Group employs 118 disabled persons*2, a figure that accounts for 2.56% of its workforce.
While our Group companies continue with their efforts to employ more people with disabilities, we are also upholding a policy to employ intellectually people with disabilities, mainly at Kyowa Kirin plus Co., Ltd., thereby working to expand job opportunities for people with special needs across the Group.
We joined the Accessibility Consortium of Enterprises (ACE) in March 2022 with the aim of pursuing further hiring of persons with disabilities.

- *1:Data are as of June each year and for the Kyowa Kirin Group (domestic).
- *2:The number of employees with disabilities taking into account the degree of disability as prescribed under the Act on Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities; the actual number of employees with disabilities is 83.
Kyowa Kirin is working to create workplaces that welcome people with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, including people from the LGBTQ+ community. Initiatives in this regard include: (1) Revisions to the Employee Code of Conduct; (2) training sessions for senior executives and employees to improve their understanding and raise awareness; (3) revisions to human resource systems and policies so that same-sex partners are treated in the same manner as opposite-sex partners in legally recognized marriage; and (4) an employee hotline service to provide advice about sexual orientation and gender identity.
As a result of these efforts, Kyowa Kirin was awarded "Gold" in the "Pride Index* 2023," an index developed by the private association "Work with Pride," which evaluates the efforts of companies and organizations regarding LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities.
- *What is "PRIDE"?
- 1:Policy: Action Declaration
- 2:Representation: LGBTQ+ and Allies Network
- 3:Inspiration: Raising Awareness
- 4:Development: Human Resources Management Policies and Programs
- 5:Engagement/Empowerment: Social Responsibility and Public Relations

Recruitment of Employees of Foreign Nationality
In order to develop our business as a Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Company, we strive to recruit talent with diverse values and who are able to inspire others, regardless of nationality. To this end, we have been hiring new graduates mainly from Asia since 2013. In addition, we have a track record of hiring several foreign nationals through our mid-career recruitment initiative, which we have been expanding in recent years.